Our Products - Purified Drinking Water

Aquawell 500ml

Aquawell 1 Litre

Aquawell 1.5 L

Aquawell 5 Litres

Aquawell 10 Litres

Aquawell 20 Litres

 Purification  Process

The purification process is a crucial step in producing clean and safe drinking water. It involves a series of carefully designed procedures that effectively remove contaminants and impurities from the water, ensuring high-quality purified water that meets stringent standards. At Aquawell, we prioritize the health and well-being of our customers, employing state-of-the-art technologies and rigorous quality control measures to deliver consistently pure and refreshing drinking water. Join us as we explore the intricacies of our purification process and understand the importance of each stage in guaranteeing clean, reliable, and refreshing purified water.



Reverse Osmosis

Extra Filtration

Ultra Violet Treatment

Refilling of Bottles

 Delivery to your doorstep

A frontrunner in the provision of purified drinking water.

Efficient and reliable supply of purified drinking water with high standards.